Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Miramichi Weekend & Camper Prep

It was a busy, busy weekend for the McDonnells! We travelled to Miramichi to get our camper ready for the season and to celebrate Debb's 30tn and Alex's 1st birthdays.

We were pleased to find that our camper didn't suffer through the winter aside from a little rust on hinges and chains that's normal for every year in winter in Eastern Canada. We aired everything out and took some measurements for some extra storage options and installed some vent covers so we can open the ceiling vents in the rain and not get wet. Lists for packing and groceries were made and the fridge is being chilled right now. We made sure we had enough propane and tested the battery and the brake and turn signal lights. Our little home on wheels is all ready to go in a few more days!

Saturday evening we found ourselves at Ben's Lunchroom downtown for the simplest yet most delicious burgers and fries..a staple in Miramichi and a must do for us every visit home. I was so excited and trying to get the camera put away after Madison was vlogging that I dumped my fries all over the car floor! Cole thought maybe the car was clean enough that we could save some, but I disagreed and decided I would put in a Mommy sacrifice and let Jeff and the kids eat the rest. Lucky for me there were more than enough fries to go around. We had a nice visit with Nana and Love got to visit with Shelby who was less than impressed to have another dog in her house. Love could care less and drank all her water anyway.

Debb's friends were hosting a surprise birthday party for her 30th so we headed over there to wait and surprise her. In true Miramichi fashion we were greeted at the door with drinks, the kids were handed pop and cupcakes and Cole was promptly taught how to play flip cup (and he wasn't half bad!). Debb was taking too long to get over to the house according to Madi and was given a 4 minute time limit to show up and be surprised or she was leaving! Luckily Debb met the deadline and was super happy to see the kids there waiting to surprise her.

Sunday morning I was awakened to an empty bed, a text promise of Tim Horton's coffee and the sound of my dear sister in law being attacked by my children trying to get her out of bed by stealing all her blankets and shooting her with Nerf guns. The poor girl convinced them to give her 10 more minutes and she didn't get one second more before they were at her again but she's a good sport and got up and played with them anyway before putting them to work helping make Alex's birthday cake.

Alex had a lovely little birthday party with all his family, an adorable cake and lots of sweet gifts. I can't wait to see him riding around on the tricycle we got for him! The kids had a blast playing with their cousins and getting a good sugar buzz on before we had to head home in the rain to get ready for another week at work and school.

It's going to be a busy week here getting things ready for our first camping trip of the season on Friday, putting our camper and storage organization ideas into play, meal planning and finding this momma a new bicycle!

Adventure is out there!
-The McDonnells

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